
Our investigation teams deliver expertise in specialist areas and are supported by strong leadership and legal advice.

We offer a two phased approach of:

  • Providing an expert ‘Panel Review‘ of initial case material leading to clear recommendations to scope the scale, objectives and governance of an investigation. The Panel includes an experienced criminal lawyer and a specialist SIO according to the subject matter.
  • Deployment of experienced investigators with high levels of skill and integrity selected according to required specialisms, to deliver professional, confidential investigations to the highest of standards, irrespective of offence type and complexity.

At Salterton Associates we can

  • Review specific issues or crimes and provide an expert report on appropriate response(s) to senior decision-makers.
  • Investigate serious crime in conjunction with, or separate from, police, customs and others.
  • Undertake financial investigation and recovery.
  • Work within legislative and court systems to produce appropriate resolutions.
  • Train and mentor staff in best practice during investigations.
  • Advise in relation to capitalising on the resultant success